Friday, February 6, 2015

Senorita Wanda for Bellarific Friday!!

MMMMMMWWWAAAHHH!! Good morning to all of my fellow crafters..I MISS YOU SO I could not resist..So as you can see from my card above this is The AMAZING SENORITA WANDA!! This is STAMPINGBELLA'S stamp of the month..What does this mean well if you purchase her you will get 20% OFF of her..Yep a discount!! WHOOOOOO...So Click on her name and she will take you over to the blog go to stamps...Puckering WANDA here was coloured using Copics and Prisma Pencils for shading..I hope you like her I think she is FABBY!! So as I said a few lines ago she is DISCOUNTED for the entire month..Last weeks theme was VALENTINES so I made this card for my Hubby!! for that special day...

As for this SKETCHIE below this is our next CHALLENGE..So come on create something using a STAMPINGBELLA IMAGE email over to DA-BELLA Emily by Thursday night and it will show up on BELLARIFIC FRIDAY....How cool is that!!

This is the Friday before LOVE DAY so make something for that special someone in your life..Also stop in to the other BABES blogs those ladies are crazy talented!!
BIG NEWS RELEASE RELEASE DAY FEBRUARY 9TH!!!!! You so do not want to miss this all of those crazy sneak peeks those images are so awesome..the saying crazy!! Ok I have to settle down...Sunday night will be a no sleep will be to excited to shop that release..I have my list by my computer!!!! It just keeps growing!! My HUBBY who is the best says he works so I can buy stamps...Well a huge thanks for stopping by and thanks for all of he love that some of you leave behind as safe, be happy and please make time to does the brain good!!!


  1. This is such a fun card Kerri ! Love the image and the texture too ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  2. Love her! Haven't pulled out any cheese cloth in a while. That stuff is so cool looking. Fantastic card Kerri! Hugs!


Thanks for taking your time to leave me a comment..I love hearing for all!! HUGS