Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday Afternoon!!!
Kids class was small but boy did we have fun...I actually sat down with the five girls and made one of these cute puppies. Of course I make the original but when they are all present I do not get as much one on one time...The group of girls I had today they have been with me from the start and I love them all...Todays class was a gable box. I bought the cut file from My Time made easy grt box but boy did I have trouble resizing it with Make the cut the end I got it...I hope you like it and this one is for the school Secertary have a good week end and thks for stopping by...Oh before I forget I think I might have won 20 BELLARIFIC BUCKS!!!!!!!YIPPIE
Friday, December 10, 2010
OMG!!!!!! FRIDAY!!!!
This is a short post due to the fact I have a kids class tomorrow and the project is almost complete....On Monday I taught a class for 15 kiddies the Brownies what a pleasure...I will show you the project..My two daughter helped out they think I am crazy to teach due to all of the work that goes into these here it is hope you like and to all have a grt weekend...
Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday Christmas soon!!!
The weekend went by in a blur...It started Friday night with going to Dinner with some friends at Mr.Prime Rib man it was good...then we called it a night because I was under the weather...Saturday we did some work around the house went and collected the kiddies from Meme's...That night some friends came over for dinner and helped my hubby move the fridge and freezer upstairs...due to my bad knees they also carried everything up for me..Talk about fantastic friends...once that was done we watched Eclipse and off to bed...Woke Sunday morning and left for Sudbury with my Mother-in law...Burlesque boy awesome show if you like good music and dancing good looking men and women well here is the show for you...Made it home by 5:30pm had supper watched Merlin with the girls then Empire Boardwalk Finale with the Hubby and off to bed with a sore throat and headache....Now enough of the whining her is a couple of pics of the teachers gifts I have made..they contain Swiss choc, green tea. candy canes and yes a Santa pencil....hope they enjoy them..hope you like the pics take care and thks for stopping by....
Friday, December 3, 2010
Good morning to all...thks for stopping last night decided that I should start going to the tanning beds do not want to burn on my Holiday...going back to the gym...not to lose a ton of weight but enough to hopefully zip line in Jamaica....For those of you who read my blog this is a stressful time of year Christmas and money...lets not forget what this time of year is all about it is about FAMILY is if you are lucky enough to have them around cherish that and put everything else aside and hug them let them know you does not matter how many things you get how many games you get or how much jewelery how big that diamond is or what type of soap for the shower...because nothing feels better than a hugs or the thought that if something happened your family will always be there to catch you when you fall...growing up as a kid my mom and dad always had tons under the tree but in the end i remember the family sleigh rides and the snowball fights those are the things that we will always in the end thks mom and dad for those things there is no price for those memories.....sending big hugs to all those I love and family for me includes my ya!
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